
While multiple versions of Ghostface exist even within the series, the most famous of his identities is Billy Loomis, a psychopathic teenager whose mother abandoned him due to an affair that his father was having at the time. Outraged at the woman who had tempted his father, Billy donned the persona of a costume of Father Death and devoted his life to murdering her daughter in vengeance. Ghostface's drive to kill his target motivated him to become the deadliest serial killer of all time, and he apparently trained himself until he was extremely skilled and athletic. He possesses higher-than-average strength and durability, and is almost supernaturally stealthy, able to appear almost anywhere and vanish without leaving a hint of evidence.
Story Mode Terror
Four deranged students found an ancient amulet and summoned a djinn.
Their first wish was to become the most notorious killers on Earth.
Accepted, the djinn granted their wish and made them more vicious.
Dressed like the Stab Killer, they went on a
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