The Creeper

​The Creeper is a demonic monster that eats its victims' body parts every 23 years and seems nearly invincible. At first, it was thought to be some kind of demon worshiper when Darry Jenner found his self-portraits. While often wearing a tattered black coat, also donning a hat after he killed his previous owner, using them to disguise himself, The Creeper on closer inspection is shown to be quite inhumane. It has wispy white hair, dark reptilian green skin, and a mouth full of yellow fangs. Around the top of its head are a series of finger-like appendages each connected by a thin membrane.
Story Mode Terror
The Creeper had awakened from it’s long hibernation.
This time a visión warned him of the return of a demon.
Killing the same demon he had killed years before would be no easy task.
But the Creeper was determined to finish him off.
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